Monday, 23 July 2007

You are a Child of Mine...

You are a child of Mine
Born of My own design
And you bear the heart of life.
No matter where you go,
Oh, you will always know
You have been made free in Christ.
You are a child of Mine

The lyrics above come from Mark Schultz's song "You are a Child of Mine"--one which I absolutely fell in love with the moment I first heard it. If I could, off the top of my head, say what a phrase like that comes close to, I'd have to say maybe "I love you" from someone special. But can you imagine the Father up above saying this to you? I don't know...that's better than hearing anything from an earthly voice. Because we who live here can hate each other, despise each other, even disown each other, but our God is a Father who never deserts his sons and daughters. He hurts when we hurt, He laughs when we laugh, He helps us when we stumble, He gives us the strength to continue when we are spent, and He mends us when we are broken among a multitude of other things. Who among us here can boast such love? I tell you none.

Hearing that song just made me think a while on these things...and also gave me reason to contemplate such a relationship. It's one we oftentimes ignore and even forget (I know I have, much more frequently than I'd care to admit). I'm given the best present of every day, a life to live. Incredible how I take such for granted. I'm sure a good number of people out there do the same as well on a daily basis too. How can we change that I wonder? Is it that we're too busy trying to make a living? Too busy with our jobs and our responsibilites? It's said that people will make time for what they want, and I think a truer statement was never said. If you value a relationship with your spouse, you'll spend time on it. If you value your job, you 'll spend time on it. If you value a pasttime, you'll spend time on it. Notice anything? None of these things promises an eternity of joy. They promise a fleeting satisfaction with the here-and-now and that's pretty much it.

If that is so, shouldn't we be valuing our relationship with God above these things? Sure you love them, but will they love you back with the same intensity, the same ferociousness and your Father in heaven? In fact I can't even compare them, it's apples and oranges. But I'm sure you get the point. Take care.


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