Casting the lot settles disputes and keeps strong opponents apart. - Proverbs 18:18
Well this one is rather interesting. I never really thought of taking what the Bible said seriously on this one. One of the questions that came up in my mind while doing this was pretty much reactive...asking whether or not this was just being left up to chance. Thanks to this accompanying verse, I got some clarification on that:
"The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord" (Prov. 16:33)
It's common practice to call in a third party whenever you're having an argument which seems to be at a stalemate.
"That kid at the beginning of Pirates 3 is not Will's son!"
"And I'm saying it is!"
"Älright let's call somebody!"
See? That's an actual excerpt from an argument between 2 of my friends by the way. Interesting isn't it? They're weird that way ^^". Disputes on something else, say the DaVinci Code for example, can be a lot more serious. In any case though there's always the need to rely on someone who's rather objective about it and can enforce one view or the other (granted since we're human it's pretty hard sometimes to call someone 'objective' in all truth). But the one true judge, and the best arbitrator is always God. Why? Because unlike us, He's perfectly loving, and would never make a decision for any of His children that would cause them harm. And if the decision makes life difficult, just remember that when you are weak, He's strong. You don't see God's grace till the circumstances really start to get to you. That's when you'll thank Him. Trust me ^^.
PS: By the way, I'd recommend that everyone that's interested in apologetics or at least in Christian history particularly in regard to the DaVinci Code, pick up a copy of Josh McDowell's The Davinci Code: A Quest For Answers. I've read it and it's pretty darn good ^^. Cleared up a lot of things. Take care.
When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate; when He suffered, He made no threats. Instead, He entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly. - 1 Peter 2:23
I usually attempt to do a devotional a day before I get cracking on whatever project there is to do at work. This verse I found to be pretty cool. Partly because I've been in situations like this several times, and I'm sure many others have. At work, school, even with family and friends these things can crop up. And as a Christian in particular, I recall in my earlier school days that people used to think I was gay just because I didn't run after girls, or talk about them as much as they did. To tell the truth I really didn't see the point in being lecherous, it sounded pretty crass >_<. Of course it doesn't change the fact that I felt bad because I wanted to fit in and be 'one of the guys'. And for a time...I did. But it wasn't something I liked doing, and eventually I fell off that course. Thank God for that, or else who knows how much farther I would have strayed.
A friend of mine once had a quote by Ralph W. Emerson as a part of her personal message on MSN. It read thus: "The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear." I was caught in a storm of my own self-consciousness and tried taking the easy way out because of my fear of rejection. That didn't work and I'm glad. I've been delivered from that fear and though at times my trust may be faint, at least I have this experience to hold on to, and I will not forget what my Father did for me. That also taught me a lesson that what people think of you, while that has its place, isn't as important as what you think of yourself in relation to God. After all, who judges justly? He does. We're called to be like Jesus, there's no other standard to adhere to. Life's difficult--if it were not there'd be nothing to learn. Difficult things are God's way of shaping you and molding you to become like Christ. Without risk, there is no reward ^_^.